Sublimatsioonipaber TexPrint DTR Heavy -120g\. 110 lehte
TexPrint DTR Heavy \(varem TexPrint R\) sublimatsioonipaber kruuside, t-särkide, puslede jms trükkimiseks\. Kasutamiseks ainult tindiprinterites ja sublimatsioonitindiga\. Paberi kaal: 120g/m2, suurus: A4, lehed: 110
Sublimatsioonipaberit kasutatakse trükiste ülekandmiseks sublimeerimiseks sobivatele aluspindadele: heledad T-särgid, dressipluusid ja muud polüesterkiudude seguga tekstiilid ja kõvad pinnad, mis on kaetud polüestrikihiga\.
Sublimatsioontrüki paber töötab Ricoh ja Virtuoso sublimatsioonivärvidega tindiprinteritega
Professionaalsed sublimatsioonipaberid tagavad suurepärased printimistulemused: sügav must, erksad värvid, detailide truu reprodutseerimine ja vastupidavus
Tänu oma grammkaalule ja spetsiaalsele poorsele struktuurile on sublimatsioonipaberid kiiresti kuivavad, vastupidavad kõrgetele temperatuuridele ega kortsu tindi niiskuse tõttu
Kruusidele või T-särkidele trükkimiseks sublimatsiooni teel soojusülekandeks mõeldud paber on väga tõhus – sihtsubstraadile kandmisel kandub üle kuni 95% paberilt tindist!
Märkus\. Trükk lehel tuleb asetada siledale küljele, ilma tootja märgisteta
Pidage meeles: hoidke paber alati niiskuse eest kaitstuna
Sublimatsioonipaber TexPrint DTR Heavy -120g\. 110 lehte
TexPrint DTR Heavy \(varem TexPrint R\) sublimatsioonipaber kruuside, t-särkide, puslede jms trükkimiseks\. Kasutamiseks ainult tindiprinterites ja sublimatsioonitindiga\. Paberi kaal: 120g/m2, suurus: A4, lehed: 110
Sublimatsioonipaberit kasutatakse trükiste ülekandmiseks sublimeerimiseks sobivatele aluspindadele: heledad T-särgid, dressipluusid ja muud polüesterkiudude seguga tekstiilid ja kõvad pinnad, mis on kaetud polüestrikihiga\.
Sublimatsioontrüki paber töötab Ricoh ja Virtuoso sublimatsioonivärvidega tindiprinteritega
Professionaalsed sublimatsioonipaberid tagavad suurepärased printimistulemused: sügav must, erksad värvid, detailide truu reprodutseerimine ja vastupidavus
Tänu oma grammkaalule ja spetsiaalsele poorsele struktuurile on sublimatsioonipaberid kiiresti kuivavad, vastupidavad kõrgetele temperatuuridele ega kortsu tindi niiskuse tõttu
Kruusidele või T-särkidele trükkimiseks sublimatsiooni teel soojusülekandeks mõeldud paber on väga tõhus – sihtsubstraadile kandmisel kandub üle kuni 95% paberilt tindist!
Märkus\. Trükk lehel tuleb asetada siledale küljele, ilma tootja märgisteta
Pidage meeles: hoidke paber alati niiskuse eest kaitstuna
SubliPrime Sublimation paper 110 gr/m2
SubliPrime sublimatsioonipaber sobib kasutamiseks kõigi väikeseformaadiliste digitaalsete sublimatsiooniprinteritega\.
See uusim tehniline uuendus on "hübriidne" lahendus, mis pakub suurepärast prindikvaliteeti nii kõvadele kui ka pehmetele aluspindadele\. Esmaklassilisi tulemusi on võimalik saavutada eriti nõudlike pindadega \(nt akrüülklaas või alumiinium\)\. Paber avaldab muljet erakordselt hea jooksevusega printimisel ja on optimeeritud töötlemiseks Sublisplash® tindiga\.
SubliPrime ühildub kõigi Epsoni ja Ricohi sublimatsiooniprinteritega ning on põhjalikult testitud ja viimistlustööstuse sõltumatute tehniliste ekspertide poolt heaks kiidetud\.
Peamised eelised:
Ühildub Epsoni ja Ricohiga
Kõrge tindi vabanemine
Superkiire kuivatamine
Hübriidprintimise tehnoloogia
SubliPrime paber on saadaval formaatides DIN A4, DIN A3, kruusilehena formaadiga 100 x 240 mm ja nüüd ülisuure kruusilehena "MUG XL" formaadiga 150 x 240 mm\. MUG XL formaadiga saate printida kujundusi kruusidele ja pudelitele, mis pakuvad üle 100 mm kõrgust prindiala, ilma et peaksite kasutama kallimat DIN A4 lehte\.
SubliPrime Sublimation paper 110 gr/m2
SubliPrime sublimatsioonipaber sobib kasutamiseks kõigi väikeseformaadiliste digitaalsete sublimatsiooniprinteritega\.
See uusim tehniline uuendus on "hübriidne" lahendus, mis pakub suurepärast prindikvaliteeti nii kõvadele kui ka pehmetele aluspindadele\. Esmaklassilisi tulemusi on võimalik saavutada eriti nõudlike pindadega \(nt akrüülklaas või alumiinium\)\. Paber avaldab muljet erakordselt hea jooksevusega printimisel ja on optimeeritud töötlemiseks Sublisplash® tindiga\.
SubliPrime ühildub kõigi Epsoni ja Ricohi sublimatsiooniprinteritega ning on põhjalikult testitud ja viimistlustööstuse sõltumatute tehniliste ekspertide poolt heaks kiidetud\.
Peamised eelised:
Ühildub Epsoni ja Ricohiga
Kõrge tindi vabanemine
Superkiire kuivatamine
Hübriidprintimise tehnoloogia
SubliPrime paber on saadaval formaatides DIN A4, DIN A3, kruusilehena formaadiga 100 x 240 mm ja nüüd ülisuure kruusilehena "MUG XL" formaadiga 150 x 240 mm\. MUG XL formaadiga saate printida kujundusi kruusidele ja pudelitele, mis pakuvad üle 100 mm kõrgust prindiala, ilma et peaksite kasutama kallimat DIN A4 lehte\.
Tindipea puhastusvedelik OCP “Nozzle Rocket”, 1L
Liquid is designed for unclogging \(internal rinsing\) of ink cartridges\. Its specially working out chemical composition allows to remove \(dissolve\) very precisely the reminders of dry ink from the cartridge\.
This liquid is an auxiliary liquid and should be used jointly with
internal yellow liquid\. Simply -
Nozzle Rocket
removes all the dry ink remainders which wasn't dissolved after use of yellow liquid\. Use
Nozzle Rocket
liquid only injecting it inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature
55 °C
\. It is very important not to cross that temperature! Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\. Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device through the exhaust nozzles \(alternatively using specialist suction device\)\.
: We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to
55 °C
\. Don´t cross that temperature! After cartridge rinsing with
Nozzle Rocket
liquid, it is recommended removing liquid reminders injecting inside the cartridge distilled water and removing reminders sucking it off through exhaust nozzles\.
Tindipea puhastusvedelik OCP “Nozzle Rocket”, 250 ml
Liquid is designed for unclogging \(internal rinsing\) of ink cartridges\. Its specially working out chemical composition allows to remove \(dissolve\) very precisely the reminders of dry ink from the cartridge\.
This liquid is an auxiliary liquid and should be used jointly with
internal yellow liquid\. Simply -
Nozzle Rocket
removes all the dry ink remainders which wasn't dissolved after use of yellow liquid\. Use
Nozzle Rocket
liquid only injecting it inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature
55 °C
\. It is very important not to cross that temperature! Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\. Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device through the exhaust nozzles \(alternatively using specialist suction device\)\.
: We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to
55 °C
\. Don´t cross that temperature! After cartridge rinsing with
Nozzle Rocket
liquid, it is recommended removing liquid reminders injecting inside the cartridge distilled water and removing reminders sucking it off through exhaust nozzles\.
Tindipea sisepuhastuseks vedelik OCP Yellow, 1L
Print head Cleaning liquid instructions\.
Replaceable print heads \(Hewlett Packard, some Lexmark series, Canon 2000 / 4000 / 5000 series\)\.
Some contaminations:
Soak the towel in the unclog printhead liquid and leave the print head \(on the towel\) in position like inside the printer for 15-30 minutes \(maximum 2 hours\)
after that period wipe near exhaust nozzles using a piece of cloth\.
Large contaminations:
Fill the flat dish with liquid and put the print head in position like inside the printer for up to 12 hours
Do not sink the cartridge in the liquid at the level as the print head nozzles are located\. It may damage \(separate\) plastic parts of the cartridge\. Internal liquid may be injected inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature 55 °C\. It is very important not to cross that temperature\. Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\.Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device after about 10 minutes\.
We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to 55 °C\. Don´t cross that temperature\.
Procedures with solid print heads \(Epson models\)\.
Proceed according to the following recommendations:
Start printing
During printing, take out plug from power cord \(the print head should be in a central position\)
Cut out a piece of cloth in the shape of print head
A piece of cloth must be soaked with liquid
put it on the park place \(usually at the right side of the printer\)
Shift the print head in the park position
Wait about 30 minutes
Remove a piece of cloth
Plug the printer in\.
Replaceable print heads \(Hewlett Packard, some Lexmark series, Canon 2000 / 4000 / 5000 series\)\.
Some contaminations:
Soak the towel in the unclog printhead liquid and leave the print head \(on the towel\) in position like inside the printer for 15-30 minutes \(maximum 2 hours\)
after that period wipe near exhaust nozzles using a piece of cloth\.
Large contaminations:
Fill the flat dish with liquid and put the print head in position like inside the printer for up to 12 hours
Do not sink the cartridge in the liquid at the level as the print head nozzles are located\. It may damage \(separate\) plastic parts of the cartridge\. Internal liquid may be injected inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature 55 °C\. It is very important not to cross that temperature\. Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\.Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device after about 10 minutes\.
We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to 55 °C\. Don´t cross that temperature\.
Procedures with solid print heads \(Epson models\)\.
Proceed according to the following recommendations:
Start printing
During printing, take out plug from power cord \(the print head should be in a central position\)
Cut out a piece of cloth in the shape of print head
A piece of cloth must be soaked with liquid
put it on the park place \(usually at the right side of the printer\)
Shift the print head in the park position
Wait about 30 minutes
Remove a piece of cloth
Plug the printer in\.
Tindipea sisepuhastuseks vedelik OCP Yellow, 250ml
Print head Cleaning liquid instructions\.
Replaceable print heads \(Hewlett Packard, some Lexmark series, Canon 2000 / 4000 / 5000 series\)\.
Some contaminations:
Soak the towel in the unclog printhead liquid and leave the print head \(on the towel\) in position like inside the printer for 15-30 minutes \(maximum 2 hours\)
after that period wipe near exhaust nozzles using a piece of cloth\.
Large contaminations:
Fill the flat dish with liquid and put the print head in position like inside the printer for up to 12 hours
Do not sink the cartridge in the liquid at the level as the print head nozzles are located\. It may damage \(separate\) plastic parts of the cartridge\. Internal liquid may be injected inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature 55 °C\. It is very important not to cross that temperature\. Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\.Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device after about 10 minutes\.
We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to 55 °C\. Don´t cross that temperature\.
Procedures with solid print heads \(Epson models\)\.
Proceed according to the following recommendations:
Start printing
During printing, take out plug from power cord \(the print head should be in a central position\)
Cut out a piece of cloth in the shape of print head
A piece of cloth must be soaked with liquid
put it on the park place \(usually at the right side of the printer\)
Shift the print head in the park position
Wait about 30 minutes
Remove a piece of cloth
Plug the printer in\.
Replaceable print heads \(Hewlett Packard, some Lexmark series, Canon 2000 / 4000 / 5000 series\)\.
Some contaminations:
Soak the towel in the unclog printhead liquid and leave the print head \(on the towel\) in position like inside the printer for 15-30 minutes \(maximum 2 hours\)
after that period wipe near exhaust nozzles using a piece of cloth\.
Large contaminations:
Fill the flat dish with liquid and put the print head in position like inside the printer for up to 12 hours
Do not sink the cartridge in the liquid at the level as the print head nozzles are located\. It may damage \(separate\) plastic parts of the cartridge\. Internal liquid may be injected inside the cartridge\. We receive the best effectiveness when liquid will be heated to temperature 55 °C\. It is very important not to cross that temperature\. Because the electronic plates are stuck, too large temperature of solution may cause plates unstick and also cartridge electronic damage\.Injecting liquid inside the cartridge it is necessary to remember to suck off using syringe with suction device after about 10 minutes\.
We receive the largest effectiveness when the liquid is heated to 55 °C\. Don´t cross that temperature\.
Procedures with solid print heads \(Epson models\)\.
Proceed according to the following recommendations:
Start printing
During printing, take out plug from power cord \(the print head should be in a central position\)
Cut out a piece of cloth in the shape of print head
A piece of cloth must be soaked with liquid
put it on the park place \(usually at the right side of the printer\)
Shift the print head in the park position
Wait about 30 minutes
Remove a piece of cloth
Plug the printer in\.